Champions For Humanity

Ina Coolbrith

Ina Coolbrith

1841 - 1928

Ina Coolbrith was an internationally beloved poet from California. She was the very first American Poet Laureate and the first librarian of the Oakland Public Library system. She was also the first person asked to write a commencement speech for the University of California, and did so twice. She was held in the highest esteem by many famous writers of her time, including Mark Twain, and Joaquin Miller. Jack London, her mentee, called her his “literary mother,” and Isadora Duncan, whom Coolbrith mentored as well, recalled in her memoirs *the beauty and fire of the poet’s eyes.

About the Monument

The Remember Them Monument is installed in Henry J. Kaiser Park, near 19 th Ave and Telegraph Ave in
Oakland, CA. The bronze monument was cast at Mussi Artworks Foundry in Berkeley, CA. Mario Chiodo
donated his design and sculpturing hours. The Oakland Chamber of Commerce Foundation was the
fiscal sponsor.

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