
Service Learning, Community Engagement
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
Asian Pacific Islander and Environmental Justice in the Bay Area
Youth organizing and artistic resistance
Californians for Justice
Grassroots organizing and leadership training for youth regarding education
Oakland Fund for Children and Youth
Provides opportunities and resources for Oakland’s children and youth
Oakland Leaf
Community transformation through creative education
Volunteer Match, Oakland, CA
A list of organizations that are looking for volunteer support, Volunteer Match strengthens communities by connecting people to causes
Youth Radio
Promotes young people’s intellectual, creative, and professional growth through education and access to media
Youth Uprising
A neighborhood hub in East Oakland dedicated to community transformation powered by youth leadership
Civil and Human Rights
American Civil Liberties Union
Defends and preserves individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country
Amnesty International
A global movement campaigning to end grave abuses of human rights
California Against Slavery
Empowers Californians to stop human trafficking
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Unlocks the power of low-income people, people of color, and their allies through organizing, leadership development, and advocacy
Freedom Archives
10,000 hours of audio and video recordings documenting social justice movements locally, nationally, and internationally from the 1960s to the present
Human Rights Watch
One of the world’s leading organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights
International Institute of the Bay Area
Serves immigrant and refugee families
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Works to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees
Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala
Links people in the U.S. and Guatemala in the grassroots global struggle for justice and human dignity
Slavery Footprint
Interactive website demonstrates connection between consumerism and modern-day slavery, organization based in Oakland, CA
Videos about human rights violations
LBGTQ Rights
Gay Straight Alliance Network
Empowers youth activists to fight homophobia and transphobia in schools
Programs for LGBTQQ (queer and questioning) youth ages 23 and under that build community and inspire positive social change
Conflict Resolution
Community Boards
Builds community through conflict resolution training and mediation
Family Violence Law Center
Works to end domestic violence in Alameda County; educates, engages, and empowers teens to build healthy relationships
Jewish Voice for Peace
Opposes anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, and anti-Arab bigotry and oppression; seeks peace and justice for all peoples of the Middle East
Prison Activist Resource Center
Prison abolitionist group based on Oakland, CA committed to exposing and challenging the institutionalized racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, and classism of the Prison Industrial Complex
Untraining Racism
Addresses racism within white communities
The Arts
826 Valencia
Supports students ages 6-18 with their writing skills, and to helps teachers inspire their students to write
Destiny Arts Center
Works to end isolation, prejudice and violence in the lives of young people through dance, theater and martial arts
East Bay Center for Performing Arts
Engages youth and young adults in creating new visions for themselves and their communities through the inspiration and discipline of rigorous training in world performance traditions
Youth Outlooks (YO!)
An award-winning literary journal by and for young people in the Bay Area
Youth Speaks
Empowers the next generation of leaders, self-defined artists, and visionary activists through written and oral literacies