
Download the Official High School Curriculum written by The King Institute – Click Here
Download the Oakland Unified School District Curriculum – Click Here
Download the Remember Them Field Trip Teacher’s Guide – Click Here
Download the Remember Them Field Trip Worksheet – Click Here
Additional Resources
826 Valencia
Supports students ages 6-18 with their writing skills, and to helps teachers inspire their students to write
César Chávez Day: Model Curriculum and Resources for Teachers
From the California Department of Education
Center for History and New Media
Provides free access to primary sources, builds high-quality online teaching modules, and offers instruction on critical thinking skills
Challenge Day
Experiential workshops for students grades 7-12 that hone skills of compassion, leadership, and expression
The Churchill Centre
Teaching materials and lesson plans about the life, work and times of Winston Churchill
Citizen King Teacher’s Guide
Citizen King is a PBS film about the life and times of Martin Luther King, Jr., however the lesson plans and activities supplied by the site may be used independently of the film.
Confronting Crimes Against Humanity
Study guide from the United States Institute of Peace regarding international conflict management and peace building
Elie Wiesel: First Person Singular
Teaching guide for students grades 9-12 about Elie Wiesel and the Holocaust
Facing History and Ourselves
Curriculum, resources, and educator support on a wide array of topics and issues surrounding global social justice
Forward March: Continuing Frederick Douglass’ Footsteps Teaching with Museum Collections
Students explore the relevance of Douglass’ life today through historic object analysis, active inquiry, observation, and deduction
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum – For Teachers
Document-based education programs, curriculum guides, interactive web resources and more
Frederick Douglass’ Hat Teaching with Museum Collections
Students explore Douglass’ life, his society and the cultural values of his time through object analysis, active inquiry, observation and deduction
Frederick Douglass National Historic Site Virtual Museum Exhibit
Virtual museum exhibit required for above Frederick Douglass curriculum
Freedom Archives
10,000 hours of audio and video recordings documenting social justice movements locally, nationally, and internationally from the 1960s to the present
Heroic Imagination Project
Research based programs that empower individuals to take heroic action during critical moments
Learning to Give
Educates youth about the importance of philanthropy, the civil society sector, and civic engagement. Offers over 1,600 K-12 lessons and educational resources free of charge.
The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela
A series of essays with activities and discussion questions from PBS Frontline
Mindful Schools
In-class instruction, multilevel trainings, and multimedia resources on bringing mindfulness to education
PeaceJam Curricular Programs
PeaceJam creates young leaders committed to positive change in themselves, their communities and the world through the inspiration of Nobel Peace Laureates
Peace Learning Center
Sample lesson plans and materials to teach peacebuilding and conflict resolution skills to youth
Spark Education
Educational materials from KQED for K-12 and post-secondary educators, offering tools to make contemporary arts an integral part of learning
The Tank Man
A teacher’s guide to the PBS film, The Tank Man, about the unknown rebel of Tiananmen Square in China. Non-film related materials available as well.
Teachers’ Curriculum Institute
A K-12 publishing company created by teachers, for teachers. Material is available for free trial and purchase.
Teaching about the Holocaust
An abundance of educational materials from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Teaching Tolerance
A place for educators to find thought-provoking news, conversation and support for those who care about diversity, equal opportunity and respect for differences in schools
Women in World History Curriculum
Lessons, thematic units, and supplementary materials about women’s history in a global context
Youth for Human Rights
Free K-12 education package and online curriculum from a top human rights resource for over 100 nations