Champions For Humanity

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin Miller

1837 – 1913

The namesake of many Oakland sites, Joaquin Miller was an audacious poet, a conservationist, and an ally to Chinese immigrants during the Chinese Exclusion Act Like many of his time, Miller traversed the West Coast in search of gold during the Gold Rush. He was a teacher, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in Oregon where he started a newspaper pleading for the end of the Civil War, Shortly thereafter, he made his way to Europe, seeking a publisher for his poetry. The contrast of his crude frontiersman character and his lyrical writing captivated British audiences, and he soon found success. In 1883 he moved back to California and settled in his 75-acre forest in Oakland, which is known as the Heights today.

About the Monument

The Remember Them Monument is installed in Henry J. Kaiser Park, near 19 th Ave and Telegraph Ave in
Oakland, CA. The bronze monument was cast at Mussi Artworks Foundry in Berkeley, CA. Mario Chiodo
donated his design and sculpturing hours. The Oakland Chamber of Commerce Foundation was the
fiscal sponsor.

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